Read the situations given below. Discuss these with your partner. Click 'Answer This' to choose one situation.
Student 1:Every Wednesday morning, I wake up at 6:30, brush my teeth and have a bath. After drinking milk, I go to school at 7:30. I return from school in the afternoon by 2:30, eat lunch and help my mother wash vessels. After a short rest, I study. I complete my homework by 5:30 in the evening. Then I go to play in the football ground near my house. When I come home, I help my parents with household work. At 8:30, I have dinner with my family. Then I wash the dishes, pack my bags for school and sleep by 10 o'clock..
Student 2: On Sundays, I wake up late because it is a holiday. After a bath, I wash clothes and clean the house. At 10:30, I go to the weekly farmers' market and buy vegetables. Then I play with my friends till lunchtime. After lunch at 1:30, I sleep for half-an-hour. Sometimes, after lunch, I like to paint for an hour. From 5:00 - 6:30 on Sunday evenings, I cycle around the gymkhana grounds with my friends. At 7:30, I help my mother make dinner and we eat by 9 o'clock. On some Sundays, I watch TV with my family. I sleep by 10:30.
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Let's Talk: Talking about Routines
Option 1
What I Do on Weekdays?
Option 2
What I do on Weekends?
Let's Talk: Option 1
Option 1
What I Do on Weekdays?
Model Conversation 01 What I Do on Wednesday
Let's Talk: What I Do On Weekends
Option 2
What I Do on Weekends?
Model Conversation 02
What I Do on Sunday